Thursday, July 9, 2015

7/9 ~ Thanks & Themes

1995 USAIDS 5,000
(20TH Anniversary Pictorial Ride)
Post #36: 
Biking along the Mississippi, after crossing it (aka LaCrosse WI); was a hot, but comfortable cruise into Minnesota, which would become the 7th state I bicycled across, from end to end.  I wrote about it in my journals, and described the ride in my book, AN IMPOSSIBLE DREAM STORY, but Carl and I did not get pictures during that portion of the trip.  I can remember the temperature hitting 100f+, and stopping to ask home owners, along the route, for water from their hoses.   They frequently obliged with iced tea or lemonade.  What I will share, are some keepsakes from the bike trip.   (Each picture has more details.)

Jim Petretta For those who missed, but wish to hear the interview from Sunday, it is at the following website, starting at the 3hr8min mark.

Picture #074

The year was 1985, and I was being asked to move my family from Portage, IN to Indianapolis. Until our home was ready, I stayed in a brand new Super-8, on the Western Outer Loop I-465, I think. It was the best accommodations for the price, I had ever received; therefore I became a frequent guest, everywhere I traveled, with my restaurant region scattered from Michigan to Kentucky. So, I had no problem, ten years later, asking for help with my mission. But, I never expected the grand way Super-8 stepped up to the plate. For me, and my cause, it was a huge home run! Though I still camped 2 out of every 3 nights, on average, Super-8 provided me with rooms in every location I bicycled through, in which they were established. Some states, like Wisconsin, I was honored to be their guest almost every single night. Times, situations, and people have changed, and with the current business climate, I doubt any corporation would help, without NGO tax credits. But these folks batted a thousand, for me and Carl Lebman; and I don't mind letting you know how fond I am of them. And once this article appeared in their News Letter, my welcome was pretty much assured, everywhere. Still, what are the odds that I'd meet a family, part of Super-8, that were also a big part of my own story? Nobody saw that coming! How lucky I am to be friends with Deone Geary and John Geary. You brought life back to me, when I was ailing, and give my story added credibility. Thank you. (Picture and Article courtesy of Super-8, July, 1995)

Picture #075

In October of 1994, while still in the training and planning stages of USAIDS 5,000; I picked up a guitar, for the first time since leaving the Army (in 1980), and with some wobbly, raw fingertips, I chopped up some chords, and plotted down this anthem for my journey. A few of my volunteers used to sing it with me. I hope you like the lyrics. (Picture of the original word processor typed lyrics, 1994)

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