Wednesday, July 15, 2015

7/15 ~ Adversities

1995 USAIDS 5,000
(20th Anniversary Stories from the Road)
Post #39: 
Once crossing into ND, I bicycled on I-94. Yes, it is authorized in Northwestern States, because there are so few well-traveled roads, and towns of any substantial population. (Each picture has more story.)

Picture #080

This was the first time I've seen crop-dusting, live, so I did stop to take a picture. As you might also see, there are no ground people, within many miles. Only road and heat and sudden storms, and more of each. When cars approached, I would travel in the emergency lane; however they were laden with rumble strips. Why? So many drivers fall asleep on the boring road; now isn't that a pleasant thought?. Facing 35mph head winds; I was running out of steam fast. I should have been averaging 15mph, even pulling a trailer, but I had days where I only averaged 7pmh or less. Then, traveling the opposite direction, I met two girls (Cindy Kopper & Rebecca Louisella) from a group called 'Bike Aid". That year, they were riding Seattle to Washington DC for Environmental Awareness. They had done the same route in 1994 for AIDS Awareness. Trading stories of the road, I learned that avid cyclists only travel West to East in USA, because of head winds. It's better to have them to your back, pushing you faster. Now that I was smack in the middle of this adventure, I learn I'm going the wrong freaking direction! No way I was going to turn around. They gave me great encouragement, but I felt deflated, none the less. (Picture from mid-July, 1995)

Picture #081

One night, I camped on the back lot of a small truck stop and diner. When Carl Lebman was not with me, I rolled the trailer into the tent for easy access and security at night, while I chained the Dream Machine to a nearby post or tree. This particular night, I was urged to pack up, and stay in the restaurant. But I needed rest. So, I ignored experience. A massive storm, with nearby tornado hit us, and at one point, it honestly started rolling the tent, with both me and the trailer as occupants. After it passed, I packed up, and went into the restaurant, waiting until dawn to head out. Exhausted, but back on the road, I saw the remnants of trees, like this one, I photographed. In 2011, I selected this photo as one highlighting "adversity" in the book video trailer for AN IMPOSSIBLE DREAM STORY. (Picture from mid-July, 1995)

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