Tuesday, July 7, 2015

7/7 ~ Little John

1995 USAIDS 5,000
(20th Anniversary Pictorial Tour)
Post #35: 
Because of hills, head winds and rain, the trip to LaCrosse was a toughie! I was physically worn to a point of total exhaustion. A whirlpool and 5:30 pm bedtime was helpful, as was the visiting doctor, whom Carl Lebman called to come check me out. After conversing with my own physician, he gave me a Nupogen injection, to boost white blood. I would be feeling well enough by morning to meet with reporters at the parking lot of Super-8. (Each picture has more details.)

Lawrence Van Heusen And he wrote a book! Hero.
Sue Fleming i read it and it really touched my heart. what amazing memories. . .
Deone Geary It certainly doesn't seem like 20 years ago. Wow, we were all so young; especially little John. Individuals with HIV + AIDS were told to keep it a secret back then; an impossibility in a smaller town. Once a person's diagnosis went public, they were feared + treated like a leper. Jim Petretta, you humanized the disease. Each town you visited saw your friendly face; not a possibly catchy disease carrying the death sentence. You educated the public + you brought attention to AIDS. Thank you!
Jim Petretta Thank you, Deone; I am truly humbled.

Picture #073

This is 7 yr. John Geary, back in 1995. Coincidentally, his mom, Deone Geary, worked at the awesome LaCrosse, WI Super-8, and greeted us at the front desk. John was named after his grandfather, Deone's dad. That part of the story follows the next photo. I believe John and Carl Lebman were the only two persons, other than me, to sit on the Dream Machine. I showed John all the contraptions, my mountain bike was customized with, everything, so I thought: power grips for the pedals, to push and pull; bar-end grips for pulling up hills, and riding upright; luxury saddle; head, tail and emergency lights; tow bar for pulling the trailer; odometer and speedometer; and a very expensive security alarm system. But John noticed something it didn't have--something he asked his mom to take him to the store to buy--something to keep me safe! It was a blue, Fisher-Price Squeak Horn, purchased with his own allowance money. You shouldn't be surprised that this child would one day become an Eagle Scout. (Picture from July 9, 1995)
— with Little John Geary

Picture #072

At first glance, you might think this memorial was for Little Johan, but in fact, he had given me a school picture, and it was in my picture album, pasted above the memorial of his grandfather, John, who entered eternal rest about a year earlier. And, it was AIDS that took his life. Deone Geary's father had a hip replacement surgery in Iowa, in the early 90s. Imagine getting a letter in the mail, advising him to be tested for HIV, because the blood he received during surgery was found to be contaminated. Deone tells me the AZT and DDI drugs he took (the same drugs I mentioned earlier, that I refused, due to repulsive side effects); ravaged big John's system, until there was nothing left. Deone says it was a horrible, painful death. After all that, I stir up the story again, a year later, but this time, she allows her son to be part of my story, in a way, to honor her dad. I hope we did that, Deone! See more notes about Little John, next photo. (Bike picture courtesy of La Crosse Tribune, July 8, 1995; Little John's picture from 1995; Memorial flyer from 1994)
— with Little John Geary

Picture #072b

"Worldly Gentleman", lol! I'll let the article speak for itself. Instead, I want to share a bit more about my friends in La Crosse, WI. Deone Geary is now retired but still cares for her mom. Little John Geary is now a handsome 27 yo man, who is described by others, more in terms of "goodness" than anything else. Like I did at his age, he is still working and saving, to pay for his own higher education. (Note: I was 34, before getting my BS, so I understand, fully.) He works full time, but has a permanent injury from an accident on the job (using his abilities, not playing disabled). Is there any wonder why he achieved the rare status of Eagle Scout? We are all very proud you, Little John! Say hello to your girlfriend and Squeek, the cat. And if you didn't hear it, when I told your story on Homoradio on Sunday, they pulled out a horn, and kept honking it in your honor, lol. (Article is from July 8, 1995)

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