Tuesday, August 4, 2015

8/4 ~ Iron Butterfly

1995 USAIDS 5,000
(20th Anniversary Celebration)
Post #49:
I teased a great deal about meeting Iron Butterfly, but in fact, thanks to Carl Lebman, I actually got to hear the group, LIVE, and meet up with them for an after-show social, with just them and us at Super-8, Kellogg, Idaho. (Each picture has more of the story.)

Picture #109

Most everyone will recognize Super 8 Motel, and at first glance, many from my generation (or slightly before, lol) will next recognize The Everly Brothers, pictured on the poster. But, in the late 1960s, several groups made their claim to fame by highly unique/unusual music. The Beatles, Doors, Rolling Stones and Iron Butterfly are a few that found a niche with those of us who graduated high school in the rebellious year of 1969.  Some had many hits, while other had lasting music. The iconic hit "In A Godda Da Vida" is not less than 17 minutes in length, and so popular, many radio stations of the era played it in its entirety, every few hours--with ample announcements. Some of us, like my friend, Scotty Kissinger, would run to a radio, each time we heard our favorite hard-rock song. And when Ron Bushy played his solo, we would play along in our minds, and tapping/clanking every hard surface to be found. So, I immediately focused in on their picture on the poster. (See next picture for more story. Brochures and poster courtesy of Super 8 and Silver Mountain Entertainment.)

 Judy Goldstein Loved them,!

Picture #112

So, Carl Lebman did what Carl does best--advocate for others. He got me a free rental bike from Lulu's, to ride down the mountain; he talked Silver Mountain Entertainment into springing for concert tickets, that night, to see Iron Butterfly, LIVE on Silver Mountain; and he somehow managed to arrange a personal meet and greet with my iconic idols, at my favorite motel in which he also got us a room in the booked-up Super-8.  I don't know how he does it.  Anyway, after the concert, and downward gondola ride, we went to the side-lobby, and before long, the entire Iron Butterfly group was there to greet us, sharing stores of the road, theirs and ours. I have autographs of each of the group members on various pages of the Silver Mountain Playbook (L), and the autographed picture (R) came later. (That story is attached to the next picture, one Carl took.) (Items courtesy of Ron Bushy, Iron Butterfly, July, 1995)

Picture #113

Okay, I admit, there seems to be some disparity in dates. Ron Bushy said it was July 29th, while I believed it was July 31st. He wins! It was a couple hours after our meet and greet in the side-lobby, and Carl and I already headed to bed for the night. I had to be on the road, early, as usual. Then, a rap on our motel room door, woke me about 2:30am. It was none other than Ron Bushy, himself, as kind and genuine as anyone I have ever met, "Jim, I was wondering if we might trade tee shirts. I have one of our newest design layouts for you, but I'd really love to have a USAIDS 5,000 tee."  He must have believed my stories of "idolizing him" in my teen years, because he graciously stated, "man, you are our newest hero, and we are so inspired by what you are doing for your cause--and the world. We're going to be in Santa Barbara a week from Saturday, and we want you on stage with us. You're going to bike through there, anyway, aren't you?"   In short, I wanted so much to be there, but no way we could keep that kind of schedule. We had a lot of miles to go, places to be at, and people to meet, that were already expecting us, down the West Coast; but, sure, "If we can possibly make it by then, we will be there." It was perhaps one dream that didn't come true, but then I have this neat photo for a keepsake, with one of the legendary, best drummers of my era. Lots of people have lots of stories; I have pictures to prove mine! Thanks to Iron Butterfly, Ron Bushy and my buddy Carl Lebman, for making this possible. Little did Ron know, that I would be wearing my Iron Butterfly Tee Shirt in the last front-page photo of the bike trip, in San Diego. Be looking for it on or about August 31st. (Picture from July, 1995)
— with Ron Bushy


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