Wednesday, June 10, 2015

6/10 ~ AIDS Service Center

1995 USAIDS 5,000
Post #11: 
Six years before 9/11, I bicycled into Manhattan, knowing that New York City was one of the hardest hit cities, when it came to HIV infections which led to AIDS Deaths. We are changed, forever, with the loss of 2,752 souls on 9/11, and rightfully so. All I ask is that we do not forget that by 2008, we also lost 81,542 souls in that same city, to AIDS. (Each picture has more details.)

Picture #021

More than the police escort, waves of the crowds down 5th Avenue, and even the group of well wishers gathered at AIDS Service Center of Lower Manhattan, I was moved by the stories of clients, as told by ASC volunteers and staff (without names, of course), and the unbelievable loss already experienced by 1995. Keeping their promise to us, ASC provided support beyond our wildest imaginations, yet the sting burned, from knowing our modest calls for mileage pledges and support in return, would only be a drop in the needed bucket. (Picture of flyer from June 9, 1995)

Picture #022

Juanita, Estelle and Maxime were all volunteers or staff at AIDS Service Center of Lower Manhattan. They all hung around very late, sharing stories with Carl Lebman and me. Their jobs were far more difficult than my own, facing too many clients with too little finances. Yet, they worked their hearts out, advocating for and providing direct support for thousands of PLWAs (Persons Living With AIDS). (Pictures from June 9, 1995).
— with Juanita, ASC, Estelle, ASC, Maxime, ASC

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